Publié le 18/03/2015 Vu 2 947 fois 0

9 rue Léopold Sédar Senghor

14460 Colombelles

Clients on both sides of the employer-employee divide turn to YAV & ASSOCIATES for assistance with their employment and human rights law issues in Democratic Republic of Congo.

Clients on both sides of the employer-employee divide turn to YAV & ASSOCIATES for assistance with their emplo


Clients on both sides of the employer-employee divide turn to YAV & ASSOCIATES for assistance with their employment and human rights law issues in Democratic Republic of Congo.

Employers: Mitigate Your Risk

Managing disparate labour and employment laws and business practices is critical. At YAV & ASSOCIATES LLP our first objective is to help you anticipate – and prevent – legal risks. We mount exceptionally effective defences against damaging disputes whenever they arise. YAV & ASSOCIATES knows what makes your business tick. Whether it's worrying about hiring practices, overtime pay or protecting your intellectual property, our goal is to keep you out of the headlines and let you get on with business. We provide solid representation to employers on workplace issues of employment law, workplace safety and labour relations.

YAV & ASSOCIATES’ advice and activities are also valued by companies and business owners Congo-wide. YAV & ASSOCIATES helps a vast array of employers deal with allegations of discrimination or harassment in the workplace and provides legal guidance and assistance in cases of employee termination. YAV & ASSOCIATES also assists businesses with a wide range of workplace policies, as well as with the development and review of employment contracts. YAV & ASSOCIATES always values practical, ready-to-implement solutions for their clients.

Employees: Protecting Your Rights

YAV & ASSOCIATES LLP represents individuals who have been fired, discriminated against, or are victims of human rights abuses. We advise individuals who have found employment and want advice on their employment contract, benefits or compensation. We counsel employees on enforcement of restrictive covenants and employment contracts in order to maintain appropriate freedom of action. We have extensive experience engaging in negotiations and mediations in order to resolve a variety of workplace disputes, and we pursue litigation when appropriate before the Labour Inspectorate, labour tribunals and the courts in order to achieve the best possible results for our clients. We will advocate for you and find the best outcome for your situation.

Individuals who have suffered discrimination and harassment in the workplace rely on YAV & ASSOCIATES for solutions that put a stop to the offending behaviour and remedies that provide them with proper compensation. YAV & ASSOCIATES also helps ensure that workers who have been wrongly fired or terminated receive fair treatment and compensation where appropriate.

Employment & Labour Law in Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, Kolwezi

The lawyers of YAV & ASSOCIATES’ Employment & Labour Law Group have one mission: to resolve workplace conflict in common-sense ways that serve our clients’ financial interests. Employers and employees across the Democratic Republic of Congo rely on us as experienced, cost-effective counsel who consistently prioritize their interests throughout the legal process.

CEOs, HR directors and other company personnel keep our employment and labour lawyers on speed dial. They contact us daily for everything from legal advice to strategic guidance on workplace human rights, terminations, disability leave, regulatory compliance, contract negotiations, and a host of other employment and labour law matters.
Employees retain our services as well, often for assistance and advice on issues such as workplace conflict and terminations. We also provide a range of WSIB services, from account management and employee classification matters to risk management counsel and appeals of tribunal decisions.

Increasingly, clients are turning to us for help with occupational health and safety matters, as well as human rights issues related to workplace conduct and terminations. We also provide assistance in emerging employment law fields.
No matter how big or small the matter, we are always accessible to our clients, placing their financial realities and long-term interests first and foremost. For more information about our real-world, common-sense approach to conflict resolution in the workplace, please contact our firm.


We pride ourselves on delivering both exceptional legal counsel and personal, responsive service — and the industry is taking notice by granting us several accolades and awards.


•    Full-service legal support across business law, advocacy/litigation and intellectual property law, with specialized expertise across dozens of areas.  

•    In-depth understanding of your industry;

•    Congo-wide legal support in both official languages (English & French), with offices in Lubumbashi, Kinshasa, Kolwezi, Johannesburg, etc.

•    Global reach through our international office in  Johannesburg, South Africa as well as our extensive network of referral relationships with law firms around the world.

•    An unwavering commitment to help you maximize your legal spend by delivering exceptional service, value and results.

For details, please visit us at: 



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A propos de l'auteur

Le cabinet YAV & ASSOCIATES, est implanté dans trois villes de la RD.Congo dont Lubumbashi, Kolwezi et Kinshasa. Il a egalement un bureau de représentation en  République du Congo [Congo-Brazzaville]

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