Labour Broker and Payroll Bureau Services in the Democratic Republic of Congo [DRC]

Publié le 27/02/2013 Vu 4 000 fois 1

9 rue Léopold Sédar Senghor

14460 Colombelles

Due to high demand from our clients, the Law Firm based in the Democratic Republic of Congo named YAV & ASSOCIATES DAS started a new programme named Y & A MANAGEMENT SERVICES [Y&A]. The Y&A includes Labour Broking, Payroll Solution and Immigration Assistance Services in the DRC.

Due to high demand from our clients, the Law Firm based in the Democratic Republic of Congo named YAV & ASSOCI

Labour Broker and Payroll Bureau Services in the Democratic Republic of Congo [DRC]

Due to high demand from clients, the Law Firm YAV & ASSOCIATES based in the Democratic Republic of Congo [DRC] has started a new programme named Y & A MANAGEMENT SERVICES [Y&A].


The Y&A includes Labour Broking, Payroll Solution and Immigration Assistance Services in the DRC.



Labour broking is a recent form of outsourcing practiced in the Democratic Republic of Congo [DRC] where companies contract labour brokers like Y&A to provide them with casual labour. 


Y & A MANAGEMENT SERVICES [Y&A] can be distinguished from recruitment agencies in that recruitment agencies are only responsible for sourcing candidates for employment, and labour brokers handle almost all aspects of the worker's employment (including recruitment, HR, admin, payroll, transport, etc.).


The costs of complying with employment laws are high, as are the costs of the direct administration of employees. Companies save money by using the Y & A MANAGEMENT SERVICES [Y&A] labour broking service, as we have the infrastructure and experience to manage this compliance.  


We have   have a pool of specialist employees who can be brought in on short notice, circumventing the hiring process which usually takes at least a month. We place both temporary and permanent employees. Placements are guaranteed for 3 months. 


Y&A labour brokers offer a full outsourcing service, including payroll.   Y & A MANAGEMENT SERVICES [Y&A] labour brokers have a reputation for finding and placing suitable candidates and ensuring that payroll requirements are handled efficiently and accurately.

We provide full spectrum, specialist labour broking services at affordable rates. Using economies of scale and sharing the cost of our HR specialists among clients, we make professional human resource services accessible to clients who otherwise would not be able to afford it and more cost effective to those who can.

As labour broker we supply and manage contract staff-, temporary- and permanent employees for local and international clients. We gladly labour hire to any industry across all levels. 

Local companies who find labour legislation particularly challenging have successfully used labour hire providers to reduce their human resource costs and -risks whilst improving employee relations and production in general. 

Entities abroad seeking a partner knowledgeable of local labour laws and cultures will find that we have what it takes to build and manage their labour hire needs.

Individuals and entrepreneurs who are keen to explore the world of bussiness in the Democratic Republic of Congo but lack knowledge of labour laws or payroll related legislative requirements, use our services to reduce their employment worries so they can focus on making a success of their ventures.

Our clients have gained a competitive advantage by now being able to focus on their core business by having human resource professionals ensure increased productivity, labour stability and discipline with labour hire. 

As registered labour broker and employer we take care of the employment process and -administration, enforcement of discipline, payroll, and compliance with the statutory requirements such as deduction and payments of PAYE, etc. 



We are dedicated to the practice of immigration law. We handle many immigration cases on behalf of clients throughout the Democratic Republic of Congo [DRC] and from around the world. 


We can represent you no matter where you live.


We assist with:


  • Invitation Letters
  • Visas and Work permit
  • Legal advices
  • All immigration queries


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1 Publié par GIDEON
08/06/2021 09:25

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A propos de l'auteur

Le cabinet YAV & ASSOCIATES, est implanté dans trois villes de la RD.Congo dont Lubumbashi, Kolwezi et Kinshasa. Il a egalement un bureau de représentation en  République du Congo [Congo-Brazzaville]

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